Make Gifts & Creating Inheritance

Making gifts and providing an inheritance is an amazing gesture that can change people’s lives. It feels great to make a difference and transform people’s future.

Examples of Gifts Include:

Our Client Results

Peace of Mind

Justin saved up to $60,000 in tax for his adult children by changing his superannuation beneficiary.

Gain Confidence

Michael and Clare saved $112,200 in potential tax in the event they both passed away.

Create Wealth to Enjoy

Michelle’s daughter received a $95,000 refund when her mother passed away.

The Challenge

The challenge is ensuring the recipients receive your gift in a tax effective manner, as well as ensuring the asset stays in the family lineage.

“No one has ever become poor from giving.”
Anne Frank

Our 7 step Estate Planning methodology 

Making gifts is an amazing gesture and our advisors, using our 7-step methodology, can assist you in making it an enjoyable & simplified process.

Create Your Ideal Gifting Plan

This involves identifying your priorities and considering how to make the most meaningful impact with your gifts.

Consider plan B

We need a plan B, in the event that your beneficiary passes away at the same time (say in an accident) or before you do or, when you and your partner ultimately pass away.

Consider risks

Such as your estate being contested or beneficiaries having legal action taken against them in the future.

Consider tax

For your beneficiaries. For example, superannuation death tax for adult children.

Complete a Superannuation beneficiary form

It is not as simple as it seems, and we recommend that you seek advice.

Consider gifting specific assets

Versus dividing total pool of assets as there may be tax benefits for doing so.

Consider who can act

On your behalf for financial and medical decisions, when you are overseas or unwell.

Peace of Mind

Have peace of mind with complexity removed.

Gain Confidence

Gain confidence with personalised strategies.

Enjoy Life

Create wealth to enjoy.

For A Great Retirement Lifestyle

We believe

We believe integrity is crucial for fostering trust and achieving successful outcomes. We share proven strategies with the same level of care and honesty we’d use for our own families.


One of our Partners, Roger Perrett, is recognised as one of the Top 50 Most influential Advisers in Australia by Financial Standard.

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Supported by Centrepoint Alliance with 797 approx. advisors and $64Bn under advice. 

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With over 153 Years’ of combined experience, offering tailored and proven financial solutions.

Download Our Gifting Plan Methodology

This 7 step checklist will make the process simple, when creating your ideal Estate Plan.

What Our Clients Say

Create wealth for you to enjoy

Are you ready to take the first step towards financial independence and a rewarding retirement? Allow us to guide you through the complexities of wealth management with clarity and confidence.

FY 23 Results Presentation and Strategy Update.

As at 30/6/2023 Centrepoint has 511 advisers operate under their licenses as authorised representatives & 196 boutique AFSLs operate under their own license, representing 797 advisers 5 salaried financial advisers (page 28). FUA and value chain revenue are estimated based on internally generated assumptions FUA (page 20).