Generate Income

Generating income is the core of creating wealth and perhaps more importantly for you now, the key to a great retirement lifestyle.
With income, you can travel world and have the freedom to make great choices on what to do each day.

“One of the greatest financial opportunities of today, is receiving both tax-free retirement & investment income.”
Roger Perrett - Partner

Tax-Free Retirement Income

Amazingly, there is a government-approved benefit, that after paying taxes all of our lives, we can have a tax fee income. 

Our Client Results

Peace of Mind

We provided Vanessa a retirement projection, that demonstrated that she could afford to retire and not run out of money.

Gain Confidence

Mark implemented a strategy to minimise selling investments when share markets go down, to fund regular income.

Create Wealth to Enjoy

Sarah now receives $100,000pa tax-free income from a $1.9M investment.

The Challenge


It may take years to prepare for this opportunity, because the tax-free benefit is only available with assets within superannuation. There are limits to how much we can contribute so we need a strategy to start early.


There is often the question about when can I retire, reduce hours, as well as access this tax-free income?


Government rules and tax minimisation strategies are continually evolving, making it difficult for individuals to keep up and make informed decisions.

Retirement Income Methodology

Our financial advisors can recommend strategies based on these principles to ensure you have a great retirement lifestyle.

Start Early

To maximise the tax-free opportunity.

Create multiple income sources 

To minimise risk.

Allocate surplus income

For the best return. The best use of surplus income may be to reduce debt, reinvest to compound the return, redeploy in other asset classes or contribute to other entities.

Automate the income Strategies

So funds are allocated automatically and regularly, to magnify the returns over time and so you can enjoy life.

Consider having liquid assets 

So capital growth can be accessed when the income return is not enough for living expenses. 

Minimise selling investments at a loss 

(when markets are down), to fund regular income payments.

Have a forecast 

So you have the confidence to enjoy retirement, without running out of money.

Peace of Mind

Have peace of mind with complexity removed.

Gain Confidence

Gain confidence with personalised strategies.

Enjoy Life

Create wealth to enjoy.

For A Great Retirement Lifestyle

We Believe

That everyone is entitled to a remarkable retirement, and we place a high value on being good listeners, easily accessible, and making complex financial concepts simple. 


Roger Perrett is recognised as one of the Top 50 Most influential Advisers in Australia by Financial Standard.

$ 0 B

Centrepoint Alliance with 797 approx. advisors and $64Bn under advice. 

0 +
Years’ of combined experience, offering tailored and proven financial solutions.

Download Our Retirement Income Methodology

Discover strategies to generate income and achieve a great retirement lifestyle with our comprehensive guide.

What Our Clients Say

Create wealth for you to enjoy

Are you ready to take the first step towards financial independence and a rewarding retirement? Allow us to guide you through the complexities of wealth management with clarity and confidence.

FY 23 Results Presentation and Strategy Update.

As at 30/6/2023 Centrepoint has 511 advisers operate under their licenses as authorised representatives & 196 boutique AFSLs operate under their own license, representing 797 advisers 5 salaried financial advisers (page 28). FUA and value chain revenue are estimated based on internally generated assumptions FUA (page 20).